Searching for Meaning Through Writing, Spiritual Direction and Making Art
Percy the Peacock
A small flock of peacocks live up the street. About a year ago, I made a peacock sculpture from the branches of my grape vine and placed the artwork in our front yard sculpture garden to honor the birds. This morning while eating my breakfast, I looked out the window to discover the adult male, whom I will call Percy, in the yard, admiring my artwork, or so I thought. I grabbed my camera, some birdseed, and ran outside to snap their photo together.
Percy and the Grape Vine Peacock
When I got closer, however, I observe that Percy was more enamored with his reflection in the shinny blue door of the neighbor’s BMW that was parked in front of our house. He spent fifteen minutes walking around the car and pecking at his blue reflection.
Percy Admiring His Reflection
I’m not sure who was more vain. Percy the Proud Peacock pecking his reflection or me thinking a bird found my stick sculpture attractive.