The Amalekites were a tribe of nomadic marauders who for centuries pillaged and plundered their way through history. Moses, Saul, David, and Hezekiah all did battle with them. Contemporary manifestations might be Al-Qaeda or the Congolese Rebels. They were bent on death and destruction and Yahweh finally send Saul and his army to reek destruction upon them. The command of genocide sounds disturbing to modern years and rightly so. Evidence from the story, however, suggests that the attack upon the Amalekites was a localized act of judgment. The tribe lived on to fight another day. The story, found in 1 Samuel 15, also reveals that the attack was a turning point in Saul’s reign as king and in his relationship with the Lord. Notice how he uses his success as a warrior to bolster his internal insecurities. This passage highlights the profound temptation that every successful leader faces. Samuel also says the famous line “To Obey is better than sacrifice.”
The linoleum block print depicts Samuel surrounded by sheep and a cow.
What amazes me about the Amalekites and Saul is his sparing of Agag whose descendant Haman almost destroyed the Jews during Esther’s time. The mistakes we make DO have consequences.