It was a portentous beginning for Jesus at the Jordan. The sacred river that once parted for Joshua anointed his namesake in baptism. The first Joshua was looking for a safe passageway to the promise land for his people. The stream was stopped to expose a muddy path. Danger and death were held at bay while the tribes marched by.
Jesus emerged from the waters to see the gates of heaven torn open. He heard a Voice proclaim love, kinship, and affirmation. That Voice would sustain him as he sought to conquer the death and danger that threatened to drown our sad world in sorrow. The Prince of Peace who was commissioned for service by Noah’s dove was driven to war with the devil by that same bird. And in that wild and lonely place, angels ministered to him as they will to us as we make space to receive them.
I am intrigued with how aware Jesus was of the invisible spiritual realities—sacred rituals that anchored him in history, the Father’s voice, a dove like anointing, and angels and devils in the wilderness. In our fast paced superficial world, we rarely take the time to listen, to notice, and to pray. We routinely fall prey to distraction while we miss the words of encouragement that might come to us through Scripture, friends, or our dreams.
For more on this topic:
Retreat Guide Lessons From Mark #1- Beginnings