I enjoy sketching while waiting for someone or something to happen. In the top sketch I was waiting for my granddaughters to visit Minnie Mouse at Disneyland. I was intrigued by the line of strollers. On another day I was at the San Jose Airport where I got to listen and sketch a traveler playing the piano in the lobby. Then on a trip to Campus by the Sea, I saw a lady in a big floppy yellow hat. Drawing created a memory and helped me observe something interesting close at hand.
Green Street, Pasadena
For ten years I had an office two blocks from this set of shops. On my afternoon walks to the Post Office, this was a favorite route past these buildings. Located on the corner of Madison and Green streets in Pasadena, the avenue is shaded by old and large ficus trees. The buildings housed an art gallery, interior design studio, and landscape design studio.
Morro Bay
I made this above sketch of the Morro Bay Estuary in 2008. The following four sketches were done over Easter break. They include Morro Rock, a sketch of the PG&E cooling towers, fishing boats, and Starbucks in San Luis Obispo.
Infrared Self Portrait
We attended a Science Awards Ceremony for Pasadena Unified School District that was hosted at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory last night. Since there was no place for me to sit in the meeting room, I wandered to the JPL Museum next door. One exhibit was an infrared camera used on numerous satellites to measure temperature of objects in space. The sketch at left is me. At right is a child playing on a padded bench in front of the camera. Blue is cool and red is warm. The experience was a new way to see.
At the Park
We cared for our two oldest grandchildren this weekend. On Saturday our grandson had a baseball game in Claremont. While my wife watched him play ball, I kept an eye on our granddaughter while she played on the equipment with other children who also found the baseball game boring.
Villa Maria Del Mar-Again
I visited Villa Maria Del Mar retreat house in Santa Cruz. The last time I was there I sketched what I saw looking north from the property. This time I stood in the same spot and looked south. The lovely beach house is next door to the retreat house.
Waiting in the ER on Ash Wednesday
We spent 8 hours waiting in the emergency room last night. (My wife was not feeling well but is fine now). The ER is the great equalizer. The homeless, the poor, the wealthy, the young, and the elderly each take a number and wait together. To pass the time,I sketched whoever sat across from me throughout the evening. The men that sat opposite from me were there with a sick wife, girl friend, or child.
The experience also had symbolic value. We waited with the frail, homeless, and sick at the beginning of Lent for someone to help us, to heal us, and to save us. We were conscious of our helplessness. We lacked power to calm our fears and help ourselves. We needed a doctor. Come Lord Jesus!
Arcade Lane Sketch
Across the street from Vroman’s Book Store on Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena is a group of small shops in a building called Arcade Lane. The Spanish Mediterranean brick structure was built in 1927. It houses a couple of restaurants, beauty salon, book store, tea shop, antique shop, and gift shop.
I was captivated by the entrance. It hints at something inviting, interesting, from another time and place. The stone patio and tree shaded courtyard on the other side of this entrance offers a cool respite on hot summer days.
The bike rack near where I was sketching provided me a second focal point as I waited for my wife who was shopping in Vroman’s.
Villa Maria Del Mar
About once per month I meet with some friends from the Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Palo Alto for a retreat day. Yesterday we met at Villa Maria Del Mar Retreat Center in Santa Cruz. The retreat house is right on the beach and it was a wet stormy day with high surf.
Surfers found it to be perfect weather. I sketched these from under a tree on the Villa Maria Del Mar property. I watched the thunderous waves crash against the rocks and send up plumes of white spray and foam while the ground beneath my feet shook. Such restless power!
Urban Sketching-Pasadena City Hall
Sketching is fun. I have found a new inspirational website that I really like called Urban Sketchers. Each day people in cities around the world post sketches that they have made of their city. So I thought that I would give it a try. The Pasadena City Hall is located at 100 North Garfield Avenue. City Hall was designed by John Bakewell & Arthur Brown who were influenced by the early Renaissance style of 16th century Italian architect Andrea Palladio. Construction was completed on December 27, 1927. The blue building in the foreground is All Saints Episcopal Church