Tag Archives: birth

Jeremiah 1

Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: prophet to the nations—that’s what I had in mind for you. Jeremiah 1:3

Most of the older adults who knew me and my family as a child are long gone. Roles are now reversed. I know children and grandchildren who were dreamed of and prayed for long before they showed up in the delivery room. And that knowledge creates a kind of intimacy and hope. That hope has the power to shape our destiny. That hope is like a womb of rich, life giving, amniotic fluid strengthening our inner spirits.

Learning to Wait

We are waiting for a child to be born—our grandson. He was expected a week ago but has yet to make an appearance. We can see him kicking and three days ago our daughter thought labor was about to begin. But alas, not yet. So what does this waiting mean? What lessons might this little boy teach me?

It makes a difference that we are waiting for someone to join us rather than just waiting for a process to come to completion. This someone embodies hopes, dreams, and potential. May his life make a positive difference in our world. May he find meaning through the babe born to Mary thousands of years ago. We do want the birth process to end but not so we can get on with our normal life. Life will transition to something new and the old normal will end.

Waiting is a big theme in the scriptures. We wait in faith. We wait for one who loves us. We wait for something beyond our control. It feels uncomfortable—an inherent tension, an unfulfilled longing, a sense of helplessness, a fight to keep hopelessness at bay. We are waiting for our grandson to be born.

The wait is over. He arrived an hour after I completed this post. 8 pounds and 10 ounces of joy.